Contents of the output/ Directory

Running cisFusion creates output/<SAMPLE_NAME>/ under the working directory, which includes the following directories:

Directory Name Description
Cton/ cisCton output
Param/ Parameter information

Cton/ contains the following files and a directory:

File (Directory) Name Description
gene.cnv_wgenome.vcf Call table for genes (VCF format)
gene.cnv_wgenome.txt Call table for genes (TSV format)
seg.cnv_wgenome.vcf Call table for target bed regions (VCF format)
bed.cnv_wgenome.txt Call table for target bed regions (TSV format)
<SAMPLE_NAME>_wgenome_dup.exonlrr.pdf Log R ratio graph of exon regions
supplement/ Other supplementary information

(1) Call Table for CNA Segments

  • The VCF file is based on VCF format 4.0.
  • Example values in the downloadable example output files may be sometimes odd due to the artificiality of the example input files.
  • In VCF (seg…vcf), one line represents one segment, which is composed of points each of which represents a targeted bed region with a logR value. In TSV (bed…txt), one line represents such a point, where multiple lines with the same Segment.Id belong to the same segment.
  • Columns to be explained:

    Column Description
    FILTER Please use calls with PASS.

INFO Column

ID Description
SVTYPE Type of structural variant (CNV).
END End position of the segment
SVLEN Length of the segment
PV p-value for segment calling (bootstrapping test)
ES Effect size for segment calling (median logR in the real data –median logR in the randomized data)
MLR Median log R of the bed regions of the segment
ORGSEG Original segment ID before splitting segments by low resolution regions
ORGABN Normal segment (=F) or reevaluated bed as a segment in an abnormal segment (=T)
GENE Genes overlapping with the bed regions
LR Log2 ratios of the bed regions
CDF GC-corrected depths of the bed regions in the foreground (tumor) data set
CDB GC-corrected depths of the bed regions in the background (normal) data set
RDFV Raw depths of the bed regions in the foreground
RDFA Median raw depth over all regions in the foreground
RDBV Raw depths of the bed regions in the background
RDBA Median raw depth over all regions in the background
MU Mappability list of the bed regions. 1 if the mappability is one; otherwise, 0.

The Last Column

ID Description
CNVTYPE Amplification / Neutral / Loss
CN R of logR: 2logR

(2) Call Table for Genes

  • The VCF file is based on VCF format 4.0.
  • Example values in the downloadable example output files may be sometimes odd due to the artificiality of the example input files.
  • These calls are determined by our criteria that summarize segment calls.
  • Columns to be explained:

    Column Description
    FILTER Please use calls with PASS.

INFO Column

ID Description
SVTYPE Type of structural variant (CNV).
END End position of the gene
SVLEN Gene length
GENE Gene name

The Last Column

ID Description
CNVTYPE Amplification / Neutral / Loss
BGDP Median raw depth over the gene in the background
AMPLOGR Log R ratio of amplification segments included in the gene
NEULOGR Log R ratio of neutral segments included in the gene
LOSSLOGR Log R ratio of loss segments included in the gene
AMPCOV Coverage of amplification segments over the gene
NEUCOV Coverage of neutral segments over the gene
LOSSCOV Coverage of loss segments over the gene