cisCall Commands
ciscall validate-env
$ ciscall validate-env
- Validate the software requirements of cisCall.
ciscall download-asset
$ ciscall download-assset --dest-dir <output directory>
- Download input data files used by
ciscall run
.- The files are based on hg19.
ciscall merge-snp
- This command is under development.
- Merge SNP files from multiple sources into a single VCF file.
ciscall prepare-ref
- This command is under development.
- Prepare reference files for variant calling.
ciscall run
$ ciscall run \
--fg-r1-fastq <foreground_read1_fastq_gz> \
--fg-r2-fastq <foreground_read2_fastq_gz> \
--bg-r1-fastq <background_read1_fastq_gz> \
--bg-r2-fastq <background_read2_fastq_gz> \
--target-bed <target_bed> \
--fusion-bed <fusion_bed> \
--genome-fa <genome_fa> \
--refgene-txt <refgene_txt> \
--snp-vcf <snp_vcf_gz> \
--mapability-bigwig <bigwig> \
--gene-bed <gene_bed> \
--fusion-gene-txt <gene_pair_txt> \
--gene-family-txt <genefamilies_txt> \
--decoy-fa <decoy_fa>
- Run variant calling pipelines.
- See cisCall Run Command for more details.